Friday, November 20, 2009

Naimat Ullah Shah Wali's Prophecies in Urdu

Author: Zaid Hamid

Here is the discrepancy I noted:

Try to read the book in full. Otherwise, take note that on Page: 13, verse numbers 1 and 2. The word "Japan" has been used in the original farsi script, supposedly, written by Naimat Ullah Shah Wali himself.

  • According to the etymology of the word 'Japan', It became known to the world (outside Nippon) for the first time in 1565AD [Reference]
  • Naimat Ullah Shah Wali died in 1431AD, year of birth is unknown. [Reference]

How could he use the word in his poetry that was not even invented at that time?

Similarly, check page 5, verses 1-3: The actual names of Mogul emprors (Shahjahan, Alamgeer, Akbar, Humayun) have been used in the farsi script whereas these emprors ruled India after 1530AD. How did he know the exact names of people who were not even born at the time the poetry was being written.

Some of you might argue that it was the extremely high caliber of his prophecies that he could even predict the names of people and places. However, I think, Allah has not granted the ability to predict future so accurately, even to his last prophet (PBUH).

Secondly, the translation does not seem to be very objective. Check the following examples:

  • Page 17, verse 1: The author is interpreting the meaning of prophesied traitors to be Sheikh Mujeeb and Indra Gandhi.
  • Page 26, verse 2: The author thinks (and narrates it in the translation) that the person who will accept Islam will be 'Gandhi'. (I found it funny)
The purpose of this post is to simply point out an observation. I am not drawing an conclusions based on this. Please feel free to correct and criticize.


Anonymous said...

please try to understand. GAndhi family is being around for long time. In first prediction he refered to the events of 1979 war and east Pakistan.

2nd predictions is related to future. I is quite possible some one from Gandhi family will convert to Islam and this will help us gain victory in India.

i hope it make sense.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

its sad to see how Zaid hamid took everyone for a ride

Unknown said...

these prophecies are real but much of the content have been lost....ZAID HAMID EXPLOITS EVERY TRUTH for his FALSE purposes...i wud say get a copy in which Zaid hamid is nt mentioned.....
n if u see the life of hazrat Awais Qarni R.A. ull see that Prophet (SAW) did tell the ashaabs that He will not physically meet him but Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) will. its the will of grant His knowledge to anybody He wants...Many secrets were told to Prophet (SAW) but some were not. Though He (SAW) have been given knowledge more than the collective of all the creation itself....Wallah aalam bis-sawab

mehran said...

For ur information indira Gandhi accepted Islam in UK to get marry with a muslim feroz Khan (later named feroz gandhi) & her name became Memona, her both sons were muslims (even sanjay was circumcised)search on google.While I agree with Anonymous that it is may b abt future, u cant say taht no gandhi will come in future. C how accurate were predictions u himself said that even names r accurate. Besides, Prophet was given knowledge to hidden & futuristic things even heaven& hell, life after death, so u r wrong in this context too. Allah said that He may give little to people from His infinite knowledge much He wants.

mehran said...

Another thing may let u clear is that in English these predictions r more accurately translated in which translator said that Gandhi will be winner of that war in which a big city of muslim part of subcontinent will be a butcher place for muslims (1971 war;dhaka;killings). so may b translation error out of author's wishful thinking.

Saleem Baloch said...

Naimatullah Shah Wali Predictions in urdu book | Ghazwa-e-Hind

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